BenQ Launches the projector digital mobile CP270

BenQ started on mobile digital projector, CP270, which is quite light in 1,5 kg. Has a brightness of 2000 lumens, and comes with native XGA that goes up to 1024 x 768. It also has the BrilliantColor technology and wheel 6-part color uniquely designed golden ratio which is said to deliver more tangible-to-life images.

The BenQ CP270 portable projector

The eleven CP270 offers predefined functions such as dynamic, sRGB, cinema, presentation and formal situations, and every one of them is characterized by a distinctive wave form to produce the best viewing experience for everything from games and movies in PowerPoint and AutoCAD, and more.

The CP270 it also comes with a timer, which is built on screen timer so you don't lose track of time during your presentations. It is also a feature wall colour correction, so that the pictures will look better on uneven walls or walls that are not white. This printer also appears to be very effective, as it has a feature where the cooling time has been reduced by over 60%, and also has an auto, which terminates on the projector, if you find any source of inflow after a predefined interval. This saves energy and prevents overheating.


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